Transfer files to the account of the school

Lab FAQ: Transfer files to the account of the school

From the laboratories of the school

Since installing the School laboratories can access the files of our account automatically once you've started in to any of the available operating systems.

From Windows, we can access common data drive Z: and the profile of Linux on the drive and:

From Linux, can access both shared data and the Windows profile in $ HOME / Windows.


From outside the laboratories of the school

For access to our data from outside the laboratories of the school, either at home, or anywhere else in the world, need to use the SFTP protocol to connect to the file server.

To do this, use any SFTP client and we will use the following data:

  • Host:
  • Protocol: SFTP
  • Port: 22
  • Remote Directory: /USER /

A good platform client for this purpose is the FileZilla. Once installed, the configuration is simple. The first, to open the progam, press the first button that is located below the menu bar.


Then, in the window that has opened, Server data fill, Port, Protocol, Access mode, Username and Password (put the user name and password for the account of the school), as shown in the following image.


Without closing the window Site Manager, go to the Advanced tab, and introduce the default remote directory / user /, so that in this way, to make the connection, automatically go to our data directory.


Finally. click on the OK Connect, and immediately see our remote directory (School server) and local disk.


Now we just have to drag files from your local computer to the remote or vice versa to Exchange files between your PC and the file of the school server.

It usamos in a separate ow Filezilla, is possible that the directory. linux appears we, so we have to enter the full path (/user / .linux) to access data from Linux.

In Linux, and for more advanced users, also can use SSHFS to mount point to the file server.

Personal web pages

Lab FAQ: Personal web pages

Websites students are housed in the web server of the school and will be accessible from the following address:

Where user It is the personal user account login.

In order to upload content and post it on the web, Let the pages in the directory miweb within the user's profile. From Windows of the laboratories of the ETSII miweb folder is located in Z:\miweb and in Linux is located in $HOME/Windows/miweb

To access the contents of the folder in question out of the laboratories of the ETSII, You can visit the Lab FAQ: Transfer files to the account of the ETSII.

In addition to all web programming languages supported by the client-side, the web server supports PHP with some of the libraries most used.

Access to virtual machines

Lab FAQ: Access to virtual machine / Virtual lab

There are two ways to enter our virtual machine, Depending on the use that is going to give her. If you are a student/teacher access to the console and/or reinstallation of the virtual machine itself, you have access to the virtualization system, otherwise, you only have access via SSH and open ports previously requested depending on the type of laboratory practice. Students/teachers who have access to the virtualization system, They also have in turn access through SSH/specific ports to your virtual machine.


Access to system virtualization:

A window will appear as the following, which will have to fill with our username/password details. Both students and professors of the school of computer engineering, they must be selected in “Domain” the LAB option. Teachers who do not have account in the laboratories of the school, they must choose the option “PVE”. Once this step, We will already be within the virtualization system.

Once inside, We can see the availability of the cluster, and we will have to look between our different servers / machine. Another option, is from the list on the right, Double click to the virtual machine and now go into your options.

Once selected the virtual machine, We can start it, stop it, turn it off, reseted, Open the console and enter an ISO image on CD-ROM drive virtual.

In the top right of the page, We have the following options:

  • Home: Starts the virtual machine (If not it is already).
  • Orderly closure: It gives us several options. Locking computer, Turn off and Reset. By default the action of this button is an orderly, switch off the machine and will if you have correctly installed ACPI support.
  • Migration: This option only is available for system administrators.
  • Console: Opens a new window with the virtual machine console KVM, from which you can perform an installation or any needs requiring a presence in front of the machine.


SSH access to the virtual machine:

All virtual machines in the laboratories have by default the SSH port open, following a pattern that is explained below. It is possible that machines have more open ports, but in that case, the teacher in charge of the virtual laboratory, will show students those ports.

The port to access our virtual machine is formed in the following way:

For example, We have awarded the machine with ID 4501, the port would be: –> 4501L –> 45011

Where L is a number of 1 to 9 services which may be of each virtual machine. By default, L = 1 is the SSH port.


Virtual laboratories network topology:

Although each student is assigned a hostname of different machine to gain access to your virtual machine, the truth is that in reality all the virtual machines from the Internet respond to the same IP (, It is a server that does NAT to reach the VPN virtual machines. This is not necessarily so from inside the virtual machine, that being in the private network, they need to necessarily have a hostname and IP address different. In this way, we gain in security, avoiding wasting public IPs and the student to remember the ID of your virtual machine to know that SSH port has to access, According to the explanation above.

A graph of the network topology scheme would be as follows:

WiFi: Eduroam

Opening and Saving Files in Windows

When using fixed computers in laboratories under Windows operating system, care should be taken to always use the Z drive: (that is available when you log in with your School account) To open and save files from the programs.

There are programs that do not support UNC routes internally and will generate errors or try to save or open files in paths that they cannot handle internally by design of the program itself. To do this, it should always be used in the dialogs to open or save the Z drive:, even typing in the text field of the 'Z' path itself:', to make sure it's stored there. The Z Unit: It actually points to the directory where all the student's files are, and allows you to work without having to worry about using network paths.


Updated 14 in November of 2023