Entrepreneur Campus initiative 2023


Ya está en marcha la nueva edición de la Entrepreneur Campus initiative 2023 para universitarios de Castilla y León que quieran plantear ideas de negocio y/o ponerlas en marcha.

Categories and awards:

  1. Innovative business idea. The top three ideas will be rewarded with an accrediting diploma and a laptop type "Tablet". These ideas do not need to be put into action.
  2. Business project. It involves the development of a business plan. The four regional winners receive an award consisting of an accrediting diploma and also an economic award of 10.000 €, 9.000 €, 8.000 € and 6.000 With the aim of setting up the company within one year. This last award worth 6,000 euros is earmarked for projects that are of social entrepreneurship, cultural or humanistic.

The deadline to send the documentation is the 20 in November of 2023

Pueden presentarse tanto estudiantes como titulados en los dos últimos años académicos. También PDI, en cuyo caso no existe limitación temporal.

Se añade una presentation elaborada por el Parque Científico de la UVa a modo resumen del concurso.