Meetings with Computer Companies University+Business: Present and Future of Informatics (edition 2023)


The 25 October organizado por nuestra Escuela, el Parque Científico de la UVa y el Colegio Profesional de Ingenieros en Informática de Castilla y León se celebrará la segunda edición del evento Encuentro con Empresas de Informática. University+Business: presente y futuro de la Informática.

La inauguración del evento será a las 9:00 Day 25 de octubre en la Sala Hedy Lamarr a cargo de la Vicerrectora de Innovación Educativa y Transformación Digital de la Universidad de Valladolid, Ms. Susana Álvarez Álvarez, el Director General de Telecomunicaciones y Administración Digital de la Junta de Castilla y León, Mr. Antonio Pascual Ibáñez, la Directora General del Parque Científico de la Universidad de Valladolid, Ms. Mª Ángeles Pérez Ruega, el Decado de Colegio Profesional de Ingenieros en Informática de Castilla y León, Mr. Benjamín Sahelices Fernández y el Director de la Escuela de Ingeniería Informática de Valladolid, Mr. Manuel Barrio Solórzano.

At 13:30 contaremos con la visita a la Feria de Empresas del Consejero de Industria, Comercio y Empleo de la Junta de Castilla y León, Mr. Mariano Veganzones Díez.

En esta página y en todos los detalles sobre las empresas patrocinadoras, The agenda of the event, las empresas participantes en la Feria de empresas y las inscripciones.


Registration for the activity talks, workshops, Employment Forum.

Development of the event

This event will take the form of a Business Fair-Employment Forum that allows the approach to the participating IT companies through stands in the Hedy Lamarr Room and a Conference Formed by a set of presentations, Talks and workshops given by the sponsoring companies of the event. We will celebrate coffee breaks as an excellent opportunity for networking and we will finish with a farewell Spanish wine. At noon will take place the Diamond activity with NTT Data, offering a brunch and workshop

In the Business Fair-employment forum students and graduates will be able to approach companies, Know opportunities, deliver CVs, and even companies, if they wish, will have a space to organize interviews.

The students of the last courses of Computer Engineering and Statistics will have the support of their professors who will change the classes on Wednesday 25 of so that they can participate in the event in full.

Students who register for the event and attend all talks and workshops (choosing one of them in the two parallel sessions), as well as the exhibition of stands of the companies will be able to receive the recognition of 1 ECTS When, additionally, visit the stands of the companies delivering CVs in some of them and send to the organization of the event ( his LinkedIn profile and his portfolio of GitHub projects worked as a cover letter to the labor market.

All those registered will be able to participate in the coffees planned for that day as well as the Spanish wine of farewell to the event. Being these exceptional moments to interact with the participating companies.

Any person not registered may freely visit the stands, Entering a conference or workshop, Provided that the capacity allows it, always having priority in these cases those previously registered. Non-enrolled students will not be eligible for credit recognition, But it will be an excellent opportunity to meet and approach the participating companies.

In addition, the subject Profession and Society of 4th year of Computer Engineering participates with an activity as part of its evaluation.

To participate in the Diamond activity organized by NTT Data there is a limit of 45 participants. To choose the participants from among those registered, this criterion will be followed.: preference for students of 4th year of Computer Engineering, 4º Statistics, 5º of the double degree INDat, If the sum of these registered exceeds the quota, the first ones will be chosen. 45 Registered (in order of date and time of registration).


Registrations will be made through the page (Sign Up button) indicated at the end. It should be borne in mind that there is a limit of registrations given by the capacity of the Hall of Degrees. It will be necessary to register for the three plenary sessions and choose in the two parallel sessions one of the two options.

Preferential participation in the event, Spanish coffees and wine will require the presentation of accreditation. The collection of accreditations will preferably take place on Tuesday 24 October morning, or the same Wednesday 25 to the 8:30, in the Secretary of Management of the School of Computer Engineering of Valladolid.

Those registered who opt for the recognition of 1 ECTS must also include an attendance sheet with the explanation of how to use it to obtain such recognition.

All those registered must participate in the opening ceremony at 9:00 at the Hedy Lamarr.


  • 9:00 Inauguración del evento a cargo de la Vicerrectora de Innovación Educativa y Transformación Digital de la Universidad de Valladolid, Ms. Susana Álvarez Álvarez, el Director General de Telecomunicaciones y Administración Digital de la Junta de Castilla y León, Mr. Antonio Pascual Ibáñez, la Directora General del Parque Científico de la Universidad de Valladolid, Ms. Mª Ángeles Pérez Ruega, el Decado de Colegio Profesional de Ingenieros en Informática de Castilla y León, Mr. Benjamín Sahelices Fernández y el Director de la Escuela de Ingeniería Informática de Valladolid, Mr. Manuel Barrio Solórzano. In the Hedy Lamarr Room.
  • 9:30 Start of visits to company stands. Visit of the authorities and students registered in the event . In the Hedy Lamarr Room.
  • 10:30 “PwC Quién somos: Nuestros proyectos y su impacto en la sociedada cargo de PwC, gold sponsor. In the Hall of Degrees.
  • 11:30 Coffee break – networking. In the Hedy Lamarr Room. Courtesy of the sponsors.
  • 12:00 “Cybersecurity: Challenges and opportunities” a cargo de GMV, gold sponsor. In the Hall of Degrees.
  • 13:00 “Desafíos y Soluciones: APIs, Arquitectura y Prevención del Blanqueo de Capitales a través de la tecnología en el Sector Financieroa cargo de Santander Consumer Global Services, Silver Sponsor. In parallel. En el aula 01.
  • 13:00 “Generative AI: The technology that will change the world” by AIR Institute, Silver Sponsor. In parallel. En el aula 02.
  • 13:30 Visita a la Feria de Empresas del Consejero de Industria, Comercio y Empleo de la Junta de Castilla y León, Mr. Mariano Veganzones Díez.
  • 14:15 Activity Diamante de NTT Data con Brunch (for enrolled students, Quota of 45).
    • Detalles de la actividad Diamante con NTT Data. 14:15 hablaremos de Docker: build, test, run and scale serverless applications,
    • A continación, se servirá un brunch a los participantes de esta actividad.
    • Esta actividad se desarrollará en el aula 103 y el aula 102A
  • 16:00 “Data & Generative AI & Web3: towards the new Digital Identity” by Madison MK, gold sponsor. In the Hall of Degrees.
  • 17:00 Coffee break – networking. In the Hedy Lamarr Room. Courtesy of the sponsors.
  • 17:30 “GRASP: Infrastructura y arquitectura para el procesado de big data satelital en observación de la Tierraa cargo de cargo de GRASP, Silver Sponsor. In parallel. En el aula 01.
  • 17:30 “Desafío Ciberseguro: ¡Conquista la Bandera en el Mundo Web!a cargo de Serbatic, Silver Sponsor. In parallel. En el aula 104.
  • 18:30 Presentation / explanation session of the proposals of TFG / TFM in University-Business agreement. They participate: HP SCDS Technology Observatory + Fundación Princesa de Girona, AVL, BROOKTEC. In the Hall of Degrees.
  • 19:30 Clausura a cargo de la Vicerrectora de Innovación Educativa y Transformación Digital, Ms. Susana Álvarez Álvarez y el Director de la Escuela de Ingeniería Informática de Valladolid, Mr. Manuel Barrio Solórzano, y vino español de despedida. In the Hedy Lamarr Room. Courtesy of the sponsors.
  • Farewell, Collection and closing.

List of participating companies confirmed at the stands (in alphabetical order)

  • Air Institute
  • AVL Ibérica S.A.
  • Capgemini UK, S.L.
  • CSA
  • ExoBrain
  • Fever
  • CIDAUT Foundation
  • GMV
  • Hiberus
  • Icon Multimedia
  • Inetum
  • Izertis
  • LuceIT
  • Madison MK
  • NTT Data
  • PwC PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited
  • Santander Consumer Global Services, Santander Group
  • Serbatic

The Hedy Lamarr room will be closed on Wednesday 25 in October of 14:00 to 16:00 to take care of the material while all participants eat. The 45 NTT Data Diamond Activity Enrollees Have Food, Brunch, included in the activity.

As you know,, In the cafeteria of the building you can eat. In the cafeteria of the building there is a microwave to heat tuper food. Also nearby are several cafeterias on campus.