VII UVa-Play Code Academy Technology Campus and VIII Urban Summer Camp with CREATICS pool with CJP flavor


Summer holidays are approaching for schoolchildren. It's a great time to combine fun with learning.

We bring you two proposals for the little ones of the house.

First of all we have the VII Summer Technology Campus at the UVa this year entitled “STEM Camp Mission to Mars”

Our School of Computer Engineering in Valladolid, together with the ETSI. Telecommunications, For the seventh time, the University of São Paulo has hosted this Technological Campus developed by Play Code Academy for children and young people from 6 to 16 years.

It takes place in three weekly shifts, Monday to Friday 9.00 to 14.00 hours, between 26 June and 14 July in Valladolid with the added services of canteen until 15.00 hours and early risers from 8.00 hours on the first shift.

This edition has programmed nine different themes for its workshops such as: Edison, , IoT (Internet of Things) with Micro:Bit, Drones, robotics with Lego and Arduino, Home automation, Programming with Roblox, Scratc and Minecraft Education; 3D printing, creation of APPs and rocketry and aviation.

The context of this edition will be Mars in which attendees will discover that Earth will soon be unhabitable and that the red planet could be a new home. The adventure will consist of exploring, invent, build and find out if living on Mars is possible.

All workshops are designed for attendees to have fun while learning the language of programming and making friends. Each activity is adapted by levels and ages with the aim of discovering how to use technology to express themselves, build, Collaborate & Share

More information and registration:

Secondly, we bring you the proposal of the VIII Urban Summer Camp with CREATICS Swimming Pool.

This camp is coordinated by Natalia and Alfonso, professors of the UVa Young Programmers Club (CJP) from CREATICS, a company associated with the CJP. The "tone" of the camp is very CJP-esque, where everyone will carry out individual projects. Combine learning and fun in an environment full of creativity. Participants will have the opportunity to develop their programming skills, robotics and 3D design through exciting challenges and hands-on activities. In addition, to ensure a healthy balance, Refreshing swims in the pool and outdoor games each morning will be included.

Workshops cater to different skill levels, so both beginners and experts can enjoy and learn at the same time. We also offer early bird and follow-up services to facilitate family reconciliation.

Camps are held weekly, from the 26 from June until the 8 September, And each day at camp is carefully structured to maximize fun and learning. With CREATICS workshops, Outdoor Breaks & Lunches, Special Workshops, Time for pool and outdoor games, We are sure that all participants will have an unforgettable experience.

At the CREATICS Summer Camp, The commitment is to provide a safe environment, Stimulating and fun where children can develop their skills and potential while enjoying their holidays.

For more details and for registrations: