Great atmosphere at the Cloudflight Coding Contest last Friday 11.11.22


Cloudflight Coding Contest, an appreciated appointment every year for students, Alumni and friends of programming contests in general.

At our local headquarters in the University of Valladolid
54 participants in 20 teams competing in the Programming Classic and 1 team competing in the Artificial Intelligence Challenges came together and enjoyed the experience.

In the Programming Classic it was counted 1248 Globally registered teams, 20 at our local headquarters. The three teams that finished first in the standings were
1º- Team Emilian Gonzalo Calvo Sanz, Rodrigo Martín Posada, Pablo Criado (Paul C).
2º- CodeBrewers Javier Crespo Guerrero, Jorge Sánchez Manrique, Gonzalo Cubillo Fraile
3º-Ilana's Worst Pablo Marcos Parra, Manuel de Castro Caballero, Manuel Astorgano Anton

Team Emilian repeats its triumph of the 2021 ????

A special mention deserves the great Data Boosters team, the only team registered at our local headquarters for Artificial Intelligence challenges. De 145 Worldwide teams only 88 computers passed the first level and Data Boosters surpassed the 8 Competition levels to be in a 7th position worldwide!!!!! ???
Alberto González de la Plaza, Adolfo Fernández Santamónica, Alejandro Pérez de la Fuente

Congratulations to all participants for the level demonstrated!
Big congratulations to the winners!!
We are very proud of all of you.

Atmosphere that we hope to repeat!