Awarded alumni of the Interuniversity Master's Degree in Business Intelligence and Big Data in Secure Environments


Paula Antón Maraña received the NTICmaster Award – ASEPELT 2022 to the best work submitted by Master's students awarded by the International Association of Applied Economics and NTICmaster in the XXXV ASEPELT INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS held at the Complutense University of Madrid of the 29 June to 1 July of 2022.

The award-winning work is entitled “Extraction and Synthesis of Collaborative Data for the Design of a Tourism Reputational Index” and arises as a result of the TFM carried out in collaboration with the Tourism Observatory Province of Burgos, Origin and Destination, after completing the Interuniversity Master's Degree in Business Intelligence and Big Data in Secure Environment.

Congratulations to Paula, currently a PhD student, and their TFM tutors!