Academic Act of Graduation of the Studies of the School of Computer Engineering of Valladolid


The academic act of graduation of the studies of our School will take place on Friday 1 July to the 18:00 at the Palacio de Congresos Conde Ansúrez.

Those of you who are interested in participating should (if you haven't already done so):

  • Sign up for the form (friday deadline 3 June)
  • Join the Telegram group that everyone who participates has to be informed, that communication flows well.

If you are interested in participating in the act of this course but do not appear this course on the edge, you must write an email to and send him a photo of the border (if it is from a previous course) or check which photo to send.

These photos are the ones that are used on the spot to name each graduate / master's degree.

If you are in the case that you DO appear on the edge of this course, there is nothing to be done about it because this is being managed with the representatives of the degree.

It is very important to close the number of graduates / masters who participate in the event to be able to indicate how many companions can attend for each one according to the capacity.

For any questions we are at your disposal at

Explanation: the link to the form and telegram group have been mailed to all students. It will not be published on the web.