Successfully held the 2ª Computing Olympiad of Castile and León (OICyL 2022)


Last Saturday 5 of February the II Informatics Olympiad of Castilla y León was held (OICyL 2022) organized by our School. The facilities of the School hosted the programming contest and the awards ceremony. Participated 27 students from various centers in the region ,showing a high level in their programming skills despite their youth, having participants from first of the ESO to second of Baccalaureate. A promising future is in sight for these boys and girls.

The winners in this second edition of OICyL were:

1er classified: Pablo Sáez Reyes, 1º of Baccalaureate, IES Nuñez de Arce, Valladolid
2º classified: Juan De Frutos Jimenez, 1º of Baccalaureate, Colegio San José Jesuitas, Valladolid
3er classified: Ismael de la Rosa Perez, 2º of Baccalaureate, French Lyceum of Castile and León, Douro Lagoon, Valladolid

Young Promise Award: Yago Martin Gonzalez, 3º ESO, Jesus and Mary School, Valladolid

The first two classified will represent Castilla y León in the Spanish Computer Olympiad to be held at the Complutense University of Madrid of the 1 to the 3 April. The young Pablo Sáez Reyes is proclaimed champion for the second consecutive year, having won the first edition when I was a 4th year ESO student.

The awards were presented by:

Mr. Alfonso Sanz, by CreaTICs, company collaborating with the Club of Young Programmers of the UVa and sponsor of the Young Promise award.

Ms María Luisa González, chair of the judging team, professor of programming at the School of Computer Engineering of Valladolid.

Mr. Julian Arroyo, Secretary of the Professional Association of engineers in computer science in Castilla y León, also sponsoring the prizes of the first three classified.

Mr. Manuel Barrio Solórzano, Director of the School of Computer Engineering of Valladolid, organizing center of the event and in turn sponsor of the winners.

To make this Olympiad possible, the support of an organization group and judges that has been formed with current students is necessary., alumni and professors of the School of Computer Engineering of Valladolid, and also the institutional support received from the Vice-Rectorate for Students and Employability of the UVa, our own School, the Professional Association of Computer Engineers of Castilla y León and CreaTICs, as well as the tourist office of the City of Valladolid. For all of them we want to send our thanks.

We also want to convey our gratitude to the families of the contestants who are their support and encouragement to participate in this type of activities, coming in many cases from very distant locations, and to the boys and girls who with great enthusiasm train and prepare, participate and compete in the Computer Olympiad.

Below are images of the event: