Great success of LEXDATUM 2021


Last 12 november took place the VII edition of LEXDATUM, an annual meeting forum that brings together lawyers who are experts in ICT law and professional experts from the technology sector to exchange experiences and catch up on the challenges posed by current regulatory frameworks.

In this issue, Entitled “Social Media & Privacy”, we address the challenges that social networks pose in terms of privacy. Are users aware of who will be able to access this data when they provide or publish it?, the proliferation of tools that automatically collect data from these networks and, definitely, of the risks to your privacy that may arise from overexposure of your personal data? Do social networks have technical mechanisms in place that protect their users from these threats?? Has this scenario been contemplated in the national and international regulation that protects the right to privacy??

Ruth Sala Ordoñez explained the “Lights and shadows of data scraping” from the legal point of view. In addition to her, Victoriano Panizo and David Rodríguez Alfayate participated in the round table, who shared with us their experience from police investigation and solution development services and expert in information systems on the Internet respectively. Finally, Pablo Abel Criado Lozano gave a workshop where we had the opportunity to put into practice the use of APIs and crawlers to obtain information from social networks.

Ruth Sala Ordoñez is a lawyer specializing in computer crimes and digital evidence, co-director of the law firmsconsultors and legalconsultech, Chief Auditor for AENOR of the ISO 27001 and professor in several master's degrees on cybersecurity and ICT law.

Victoriano Panizo Galende is an inspector of the National Police, head of the Technological Research Group of the Superior Headquarters of Castilla y León.

David Rodríguez Alfayate is Chief Technology Officer, product and special projects in Divisa IT.

Pablo Abel Criado Lozano is An Expert Developer at Telefónica cybersecurity & cloud tech and Professor at the European University Miguel de Cervantes.