First Funge-UVa Employment Area Day: ¡Emplea_T: The UVa helps you!

This Day is aimed at undergraduate and master's students.
As a summary of all student employability initiatives since the Área de empleo de la Grape, invited to participate in this day, free and online, that provides an overview of all the free resources available to the University.
It will be the next 27 April at 5pm. Duration 1h.
Registration: follows the QR of the poster.
Title of the Day: "Emplea_T with the Grape: We help you"
  • 17:00 Opening Day by Cristina de la Rosa Cubo (Vice-Chancellor of Students and Employability)
  • 17:10 Presentation of the Employment Area by Pilar Pérez Santana (Director of the UVa Employment Area): Free resources for your employability and Area Blog
  • 17:30 Presentation of Funge Employment by Yolanda Calvo Conde (Director of the People's Area and Alumni of FungeUVa)
  • 17:40 Presentation of Funge Orienta by Inés Moya de la Calle (Coordinator fungeUVa orientation program)
  • 17:50: Ask us your questions. Suggestions for improvement.