A team of students from our School qualifies for the final of the II National Cyber League GC


Of the 80 teams in the semi-finals, 20 have qualified for today's final 17 in December of 2020.

The Ping-Pwn team is made up of students from our:

  • Luis Tomé Urgelles
  • Mario Villacorta García
  • Andrés Trigueros Vega
  • Mario López Cuesta
  • Gonzalo Roa Gutiérrez

Among the members of other teams also qualified for the final are students and alumni of our School:

  • Team A: Abel Herrero Gómez
  • Coolflakes: Adrián del Prado Suárez
  • Fus10n 03: Antonio Orodea García

In addition, another UVa semi-finalist team was in the position 21, about to enter today's grand final.

We are very happy and proud of all of you.

Bravo! A for the final!

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