ElevenPaths Talk: 'Developers facing cyberspace threats'


Date and time: 30 in September of 2019, 12h
Place: Graduate Hall E.I. Computer science
Speakers: José Parada Gimeno (CISO at Telefónica Digital), Gonzalo Fernández Rodríguez (Head of Software at ElevenPaths)

With more than 20 years of experience in the IT industry, he joined Telefonica 2 years ago as CISO of Telefónica Digital. From 2012 to 2017 he worked at BBVA Bank, first as a Innovation Center Manager, where he lead the Fraud, Risk and Security initiatives, and later he became the WorkPlace Directoer for BBVA . Previously, he Worked for Microsoft for 10 years where he lead as an ITPro Evangelist the Technet Program delivering IT infrastructure and security content in many conferences and webcast. Internationally he has deliver at events related to security such as BlackHat Europe, Defcon (USA), DeepSec and Confidence. He was also the Chief Security Advisor for Microsoft Spain working with Government and Law Enforcement Agencies to establish a national security and internet safety agenda Bachelor in Electronic Engineering by Instituto Catolico de Artes e Idustrias (ICAI)

Gonzalo has been working for more than 20 years in the software development industry. He has been working for different companies, but he has developed most of his career in Telefónica R&D playing different roles like Software Developer, Scrum Master, Software Architect, Software Technical Manager. Always passionated about technology, he have participated in the development of products from different business areas like call-centers, IP Messaging, Voice Messaging, Financial Services and Security. Currently he runs a development area as Head of Software at ElevenPaths in Telefónica. He is also member of the MODRNA Working Group in the OpenID Foundation where he has been contributing in standards for authentication and authorization, he is co-autor of the “Client Initiated Backchannel Authentication” http://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-modrna-client-initiated-backchannel-authentication-1_0.html spec.