Renault Graduates programme 2020


This program will be the first promotion of Renault Graduates, and they can participate all STEM graduates (Science, architecture or engineering) that you completed your degree or Master's degree at the University of Valladolid, Salamanca, Burgos or León, provided they have a maximum age of 30 years in 2019.

You can apply for the program, by filling out the form on the website, from the day 3 up to the 30 June; will be pre-selected to a maximum of 96, you will have to attend the contest “Come to Renault” the 9 July in Valladolid, and the days 10, 11 and 12 interviews will be held. Once the process is finished, they will be selected 20 to perform title own Renault Graduates Master in management and Industrial Organization, directed by Professor Renault Consulting, attached to the grape. From September to December of 2019 lectures will be, and from January to December 2020 they made the TFM related to its role in paid non-labour practices (with 1500 euros per month during 12 months) in Valladolid and Palencia factories. Once the Master, Renault Spain is committed to be part of your template to a minimum of the 50% of the selected.

It is the information and the bases of the program on the web

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