Employability workshops


The Observatory of the validation of professional skills (Observal) in collaboration with the industrial EI at the University of Valladolid, They organize for the third consecutive year the employability workshops for students of grade, postgraduate and doctoral. This initiative was a great success in previous years, with a high level of participation and with very positive results, reflecting the need to offer further guidance, information and resources on the labour market to the entire University community.

The student is the active subject of this initiative. Dynamics revolves around to:

  • your needs, on the basis of activities of self-knowledge of interests, experiences and career goals;
  • offering resources and strategies to promote the autonomy and effectiveness in the active search for employment;
  • identifying professional profile with current job offers;
  • Recognizing one's identity in the labour market.

The workshops will take place the days 2, 3 and 4 April (in morning and afternoon schedule) in the classroom 25 the IndUVa school classroom building of industrial Ingerias.

These workshops will try on:

  1. Professional profiles (2 April)
  2. Personal brand (3 April)
  3. Search active employment and interviews (4 April)

Each session is targeted at a maximum of 20 students, the selection will be carried out in order of registration.

Enlace directo a la registration:


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