Employability workshops


The week of the 7 to the 10 in may four employability workshops for university students will be carried out, to take place in the building Lucia, of 17:00 to 18:30h.

This experience comes as a continuation of the employability project “Competencies balance” It was developed at the University of Valladolid, during the course 2017 aimed at students and university graduates.

This initiative was a great success by beneficiaries, with a high level of participation and with very positive results, reflecting the need to provide further guidance to the students of the University of Valladolid.

For this reason, in this course 2018, We have decided to continue with one of the strategies for guidance in the race to provide specific training to improve the employability of our students.

The offered workshops are:

  • Entrepreneurship
  • Europass CV and professional interview
  • Professional profiles and personal branding
  • Actively seeking employment