II lecture: The data revolution


From February to June of 2013 will be held, practically, a Conference per week.

On this page the videos of the conferences will be posted.

All the information about the cycle can be found in The data revolution.

Videos of the conferences

Smart-city VyP (Valladolid and Palencia): much more than data

Smart-city VyP (Valladolid and Palencia): much more than data
Monica Anton, International projects coordinator, CARTIF.
Teresa Redondo, Director of the Area of Presidency, Ayuntamiento de Valladolid.
Fernando Burgos, CIO Consulting.
22 in May of 2013
12:00 Hall of Degrees, Computer ETSI, Valladolid

Analysis and visualization of Geospatial Web data

Analysis and visualization of Geospatial Web data
Javier Santana
Python developer, Vizzuality
Wednesday 15 in May of 2013, 17:00 hours
Hall of Degrees, Computer ETSI

Data journalism: where are the geeks and the pens

Data journalism: where are the geeks and the pens
Sea goat
Data reporter
Wednesday 8 in May of 2013, 12:00 hours
Hall of Degrees, Computer ETSI, Valladolid

Policies of open data in public administrations. The case of the Junta de Castilla y León

Policies of open data in public administrations. The case of the Junta de Castilla y León
Antonio Pascual Ibáñez
Head of the presence on the Internet and open Government, Junta de Castilla y León
Tuesday 30 April of 2013, 12:00 hours
Hall of Degrees, ETSI computer Valladolid

Integrating the physical world with the virtual: Internet of things
RDF and SPARQL: Two basic components for the Web of data

RDF and SPARQL: Two basic components for the Web of data
Dr. Marcelo Arenas, Pontificia Universidad Católica (Chile) & University of Oxford (UK).
Wednesday 24 April of 2013, 18:00 hours. Hall of Degrees, ETSI computer Valladolid

Big Data in the Web

Big Data in the Web
Dr. Ricardo Baeza - Yates, Yahoo! Labs.
Tuesday 16 April of 2013, 17:30 hours. Hall of Degrees, ETSI computer Valladolid

Social and cultural impacts of the information society

Social and cultural impacts of the information society
Francisco Javier Gómez, Apartment. of sociology, University of Valladolid.
12 April of 2013 12:00 Classroom 104, Computer ETSI, Valladolid

Introduction to Big Data in Microsoft ecosystem

Introduction to Big Data in Microsoft ecosystem
Pablo Alvarez Doval & Ibon Landa, Plain Concepts.
Monday 25 March of 2013, 16:30 Hall of Degrees, Computer ETSI

Indexing and browsing of the Web graph: challenges and scalable solutions

Indexing and browsing of the Web graph: challenges and scalable solutions
DRA. Susana Lady. Database laboratory (LBD), Universidade da Coruña.
Monday 11 March of 2013, 12:30 hours. Hall of Degrees, Computer ETSI

Playing with the bits

Playing with the bits Miguel a.. Prieto Martínez & Javier D. Fernandez,
Dataweb Research, University of Valladolid. 05/03 – 16:30, Computer ETSI.

Big Data... yard, What should I do with so much data?

Big Data... yard, What should I do with so much data? Pedro Cesar Alvarez, IMUVA, University of Valladolid. 26 February of 2013 18:00 Hall of Degrees, Computer ETSI